How Busy Moms Can Reduce the Severity, Frequency, and Duration of Their Migraines Without Using Pills   

For busy moms who want their lives back - pain and symptom-free!


If you're a busy mom, then chances are you don't have a lot of time to spend on yourself...

You want to be there for your kids, your spouse, your family.

You want to end your pain. You want to feel like yourself again.

Many women I work with find this in their lives, exhausted all the time, medications are ineffective for pain relief, and they are unsure what foods to eat to keep migraines away.

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Lack of Sleep

When you have a migraine you are exhausted from the pain. When you don’t have a migraine, you are exhausted recovering from the pain and lose necessary sleep.

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Ineffective Medications

You have tried everything to end your pain and nothing works. Pills, doctors, piercings, oils, supplements, gadgets, chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, procedures.

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Eating Unhealthy

You know you should eat healthy foods but don’t have the time or energy to cook as you should and trying to find meals everyone loves is an impossible task after a long day of work.

“I want to let you know that things with me take a little longer than most, but they are changing for the better.  Last night I slept really well and I am so pleased and thankful.   I just wanted to let you know and thank you for your support x”

Cathy T. - Crydon, UK

I was able to click decline on my automatic refill notification of my Triptan med. I still have all 10 from last month!” 

Lisa H. - Pennsylvania, USA

“I know for me my diet was very clean and I was having migraines every 24 to 48 hours Debbie helped me to realize that it wasn't what I was eating but how I was eating it. I'm now 10 days migraine-free.”

Connie M. - Washington, USA 

A solution that works in as little as three months!

I’m going to share how after decades of dealing with migraines, trying, and failing time and again to end your pain, you can finally find migraine freedom.

I’m ready to personally guide you through a brand new way to end (or greatly reduce the duration, occurrence and severity of) your migraines—starting TODAY.

Listen, I know from my own experience (and from the experience of working with countless busy women) that there is a simpler way to reduce your migraines.

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The Freedom From Migraines Method®

An 12 module self-paced program designed for busy moms who are in pain and want to stop missing out on life.

Includes 16 weeks of personal support through Weekly Group Coaching Calls facilitated by me, and your membership to our Private Facebook Community of Freedom From Migraine Method® Members.


Pillar #1

Building the Migraine Buffer

Building the Migraine Buffer

Focuses on drastically reducing your migraine pain so that you are not always suffering or worrying about when the next migraine will show up.

Building a large GAP between migraine-free days and your next migraine by using

Nutrition Integration and Electrolyte Symmetry as support and fuel

We use whole nourishing foods to reduce the inflammation in your body while crowding out harmful toxic foods so you experience migraines less often, moving you towards migraine freedom.


Pillar #2

Living under the Migraine Threshold

Live Under the Migraine Threshold

Evaluates Circadian Responsivity, Mindset Modulation, and Movement Stabilization shifting you towards Hormone Balancing to see where simple, realistic, and sustainable shifts can be made

And how to go about adjusting your lifestyle to yield big results-

Ensuring the way you are caring for yourself on a daily basis is supporting your body to health versus holding it back from wellness.

We as women, moms, partners tend to put ourselves last and it shows up here 10 fold.

This isn’t about overhauling your entire life rather making the smallest changes necessary, that will increase your migraine threshold, giving you more flexibility to live a normal life.


Pillar #3

Detoxing from the Past

Detoxing from the Past

Initiate Toxicity Mitigation by looking at the environment you come into contact with and access the chemical load as well as potential allergens/irritants you expose yourself to daily - in your home, at work, and while traveling.

Plus uncover all the toxins you have previously and are still ingesting/absorbing in your medications, toiletries, household products, household items, and even your food.

“Managed to bring down a food-related migraine down from a level 6 to a level 2 with water, rest, moving, and awareness.   Yay and phew!”

Erinne S. New York, USA

“Since I joined Debbie’s program and started to pay attention to the foods I am eating and what I'm drinking, I feel rather great! I did a couple of rides without killer migraines and feel the ‘method’ is working even though I haven't completed the program yet.”

Bridget R. - Colorado, USA

“Was pain free in less than an hour.  I AM FLABBERGASTED!  After 10 years+ of suffering (including surgery and a neurostimulator!), I can’t believe this works.”  Barbie M. - California, USA

“Was able to put some of these tips into action for the first time in the past few weeks and was able to catch my headaches and stop them in their tracks.  I even avoided what I knew would have been a full blown migraine and it went away.  I am new to the program and feel very hopeful that the more I learn the better I will be able to control things.”

Lori F. -New York, USA

“Managed to have a full day training session and didn’t get a migraine during it.  Normally this is not the case.  Thankfully my work on my buffer paying off.”

Chantal A. - Dundonald, UK

“I usually have to refill my sumatriptan 100mg RX twice a month=18 pills.  Since 9/02 I have only taken 6 tablets! This is HUGE for me.  And, my Emgality RX ran out of refills two weeks ago and I didn’t even realize it.  I feel just fine without which proves to me it wasn’t really helping me much anyway.  I am now completely off of the 3 daily meds I was using for years.  WooHoo!!”

Julie R. -Texas, USA

The Freedom From Migraines Method® can help

The migraine busting method for busy moms will take you by the hand, and lead you step-by-step to show you how to make more time for yourself so you can work on migraine freedom... and finally, give you back the life you’ve been yearning for… the life you know you deserve.



Taking a walk with your spouse, reading a book to your kids, going out to dinner.



Traveling without the fear of having a migraine during your vacation.



Excelling in a job you love that makes you feel good about yourself.

This is all possible with the Freedom From Migraines Method

Set your Goals and get your life back!

goals tick

More time...

Have time to do the things you love again with the people you love, pain free!

goals tick

More success...

End your pain once and for all and end the brain fog so you can thrive in your career.

goals tick

More connected...

Reconnect with your spouse and spend quality time with your kids.

Hi, I'm Debbie & This Is My Migraine Freedom Journey

While suffering from my own head pain, I discovered a method for ending my life sentence with migraines. It’s simple to follow and implement which is imperative when suffering with pain. I’m going to show you exactly how to make this happen for yourself...even if it feels like another thing that just won’t work. But first, let me tell you a little more about how I know this works and why I do what I do.


When I first started getting migraines after the birth of my second child, I was devastated.  My mom and grandmother had migraines and they hadn’t found anything to stop the pain, so I destined myself to a life of trying to manage the pain versus end the pain.

Simple things like rocking my daughter to sleep or reading to my son should have been cherished...instead, they were chores to get done so I could crawl in bed and try to find some relief before the pain started all over again the next day.
I tried all the pills the doctors pushed on me,  paid THOUSANDS  for all of the alternative therapies like chiropractic, acupuncture, reiki, and massage, bought the creams, ice packs, heat wraps, essential oils... you name it - I tried it.
During one of my regular 3 month neurologist appointments [by the way he was one of the top neuros in the northeast], I cried so much he ended up giving me an extra prescription for depression and sleep issues before I left... and desperate for ANY relief...I took them.  And none of it worked.  After years of effort and failed attempts, I finally realized that what I needed was a cohesive plan that focused on my WHOLE body and needs… not just on my head.
  • Not more pills my doctors were offering me.
  • Not more quick-fix schemes I read in books and magazines.
  • Not more elimination diets- which are impossible to do with a family and young kids who don’t want to eat like that.

I knew I didn’t want to feel this way anymore. I decided things had to change.

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That’s when I made my “No Plan B Commitment” to myself.

Not being able to play with my kids was not an option.

Spending days in bed because of pain was not an option.

Trying one more quick fix that I knew wasn’t going to work was not an option.

I was ALL IN!

So I made an investment in myself and started working with a functional health coach and together we formed a plan and implemented exactly what I needed to do to support my body.

I applied all of the principles I’ve been teaching you up until this point [remember the three pillars: Building the Migraine Buffer, Living Under the Migraine Threshold, and Detoxing From the Past] and ended my migraines once and for all. This was my turning point. After this, I realized I HAD to help others do the same. So I became a Functional Health Coach so I could share with you how you too can find migraine freedom.

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So if you’re tired of researching ways to end your pain, taking the newest pills or injections, and trying the latest gadget said to end migraines and ending up in the same exact place... I have something for you

A proven, step-by-step plan you can follow - regardless of how many things you have tried- that gives you the confidence that this won’t be like the other attempts, that you’ll finally stick with it and create lasting change around your migraine pain. Plus, it allows you to skip over the expensive mistakes I made, and the time and energy I wasted, without getting results.

“You and your program are what enable the stars aligned.  I am so grateful.  Thank you, thank you! This is the best I have felt in 30 years!”.

Tamera- Illinois, USA

“I feel like a million bucks today. Thank you for helping me yesterday”

Heather F. -Florida, USA

“So thankful for the program and the health I’m experiencing these days becasue of your support and guidance and because I chose to get on board and focus on me for a while” 

Jo A. -Liverpool, UK

“Thank you for helping to free me from that existence.  I am so grateful from the bottom of my heart” 

Susan C. -Arizona, USA

“Another week of zeros and ones and just one level 2.  Still feels incredulous.  I feel turned upside down in a good way!”

Sonia W. - Lancashire, UK

“I’ve had daily headaches for 40 years and now they’ve gone.  It can be done x”

Caron D.  -Warwickshire UK

Here's EXACTLY what you'll get as a member of The Freedom from Migraines Method®

I’ve combined my knowledge working as a certified Functional Health Coach with my life experience with suffering from migraines to create the proven plan that you’ll use to end your pain.

The program is broken down into 12 step by step migraine reducing modules that are accessible the day you become a Freedom From Migraine Method® member.

All of the program materials, including audio training tutorials and worksheets, are available inside the online Freedom From Migraines Method membership site and Facebook group.

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The Method to help you
end your pain and live the life you deserve.

When you enroll in The Freedom From Migraines Method® you’ll get a full 4 months of access to the material. I’ve set up the program so that you learn and implement quickly—with my support and real-time coaching along the way.

The Freedom From Migraines Method® Is not a quick fix short-lived results program… Rather a journey to your migraine freedom.

Look, you don’t need to “feel ready” to get started. You just need to start.  If you are the kind of person, like all my other clients, who tried numerous pills, expensive gadgets, and alternative health options such as chiropractics and nothing has worked plus you’ve had people in your family that have suffered from this... The Freedom From Migraines Method was made just for you.  With each step you take you can start to see results, all with a proven step-by-step plan and personalized support so you can learn as you go.

Like I said earlier, you just need to start. Move forward, and continue to take imperfect action. But, I do understand that making this kind of life-changing decision is a big deal.

That’s why I want you to feel totally at ease when making this decision to join us in the Freedom From Migraines Method. I’ve done everything I possibly can to guarantee that when you follow the steps laid out for you in the program, you will make life-lasting progress.

​​I can confidently say that because I’ve worked with countless busy moms who were just like you when they enrolled in the Freedom From Migraines Method®. Within a few months their migraines were drastically reduced in frequency, duration, and severity.

Q's Members Ask Before They Join FFMM

Q: Is this a group program?

A: The Freedom From Migraines Method is group-based with individual support. You work on the learning in your membership site at your own pace, while having daily support from our Migraine Freedom success team as well as women going through the same process as you in the Facebook Group. Add in [weekly] group coaching calls to ensure you have all the support you need. I find those who are actively participating in the group and on the calls fast-track their success.


Q: How long will it take me to go through the entire program?

A: The program takes approximately 12 weeks to complete and you will have access to all the material for 16 weeks so you can follow it at your own pace, and come back to it at a later date for review if needed.


Q: How much time per week do I need to set aside to complete the program?

A: Some of the lessons are more involved than others, but overall, you should set aside at least 1 hour each week to work through the material.


Q: I know I will have migraines some days making it hard to work on the program, will I fall too far behind?

A: No. The material should take you 12 weeks to complete but because you have a full 16 weeks of access to the material, you’ll be able to finish it at your own pace.


Q: How do I know if this program is right for me?

A: If you are sick of trying pill after pill only to have them not end your pain... if you have tried every out of the box idea like piercings, oils, gadgets, and are tired of having them not work...if you are overwhelmed from researching and information gathering on your own looking for the answer that will end your pain... if you feel confused about what foods you can and cannot eat... this program is right for you. This program was designed by a Mom (ME) and has been tested and proven by Moms to ensure your success.

The process is simple and easy to follow, the modules offer you lessons that are specific to your needs and will help you unblock the areas of your life that are preventing you from finding migraine freedom, and the supportive community helps motivate you and raise you up because - we’re all moms and we all get it!


Q: When can I expect to see results?

A: You can start to see results in as little as a few weeks. You can experience more energy, better quality sleep, feel less overwhelmed, and begin to see your migraines reduce in severity, duration, and frequency. Your results are dependent on your effort as well as the number of shifts needed to bring your body back to balance.


Q: What else do I need to buy to see results with your program?

A: Nothing! Everything you need is included.


Q: What if I have trouble accessing the program or have a question? How can I get help?

A: If you have any questions or any technical issues or if there is literally anything I can help you with, simply email [email protected] and I will get back to you within 48 hours.

What FFMM members are saying

"It has been a totally unexpected side effect! [before working with Debbie] I was very anxious generally, having waves of panic. On a scale from 1-10, (10 being high anxiety) most days my anxiety was an 8 or 9. I used to panic about going out of the house, or I'd pace about inside feeling caged! 

I'd panic at work, feeling like I couldn't escape. I'd panic in social situations, in the car, constantly feeling on edge. I was struggling to get through my day, I was overwhelmed. Not coping well at all. 

Since starting The Freedom From Migraines Method all of that is GONE! Now my anxiety level is usually a 2 or less. It is SO good to be without that! I have moments now, but that's all they are. 

Now I can manage my workday with only the external stresses of the work, not my internal chaos of anxiety. So even if I have a migraine, I don’t suffer that anxious feeling any more.

Still having some migraines but the last one disappeared at 24 hours instead of 72. Big progress for me."

Anna S. - Suffolk, United Kingdom

“I have suffered from migraines since I was a teenager and have spent a fortune trying to figure out how to stop my pain and get my life back.

I saw neurologists, endocrinologists, and even went to a specialist pain clinic in London.

I have only just finished week one of the programme and feel better already. For 40 years I have suffered migraines, and this week I have not had a single headache!!  

I have had some pain in my neck and shoulders but unlike in the past, I haven’t needed to take any medication and the pain has not developed into full-blown migraines which has been fantastic.

Seeing these results after just one week makes me excited about week 2 and the rest of the programme.”

Caron D. - Warwickshire, United Kingdom

There is nothing better than getting your wife back!

“I saw my wife’s first migraine about 3 months into our relationship. We have been together for over 16 years and each year they became more problematic. Due to her migraines, life has been unpredictable, difficult, a learning curve, and full of worry!

I felt so awful and useless seeing her in pain and struggling with anxiety. I am an engineer and used to solving things, plus I'm a volunteer firefighter used to fixing things and making things better and I couldn't do anything. I felt so helpless and just wanted to take the pain away for her but couldn't.

We often had to change plans due to her migraines-which I never minded- but it did mean I sometimes had to take over when the children were younger and had lots of activities planned. I often went to events on my own rather than us going together because Anna was in pain. 

One year we had a wonderful 10-day break planned in the Florida keys which she ended up having a migraine for 7 days of it. We didn't go out as much as we had hoped and planned. 

Some nights I would go out for takeaway rather than cook in the house and create smells that would make her nausea worse and I often would put my deodorant on in the car at work as the smell would be too much even if I used it in a different room in the house.

Most of our days were Quiet! The children and I knew to keep noise, light, and smell to a minimum. We would just get on and get things done quietly so that she wouldn't worry about what she 'should' be doing.

Since enrolling in The Freedom From Migraines Method Anna’s anxiety is much reduced, she is more relaxed and definitely sleeping better. She has one migraine a month now which is a 2/3 reduction in frequency and she has confidence in managing that one while she works to end them altogether. 

Our diet has been changed slightly but, I am happy to eat this way as it is better for me too. 

It’s great that we don't have to check our stock of painkillers regularly as she doesn't use them very often now and we can leave the house with just her “Migraine 911 kit” and feel happy that we can manage any early signs.

Once lockdown is over I look forward to accepting more social invitations without being tentative about them-having to cancel last minute as she's unwell and we will enjoy our weekly ballroom dancing lessons again. 

It is just lovely to have my wife back and not feel so helpless and sorry for her so often.

If any spouse is wondering if they should support their loved one into joining The Freedom From Migraines Method...Just do it, try it, there is nothing better than getting your wife back!”

Harry S. - Suffolk, United Kingdom

“I'm getting ready to move so did some painting yesterday.  The spot was difficult to reach plus was in direct sunlight causing the light to shine in my eyes which usually triggers a migraine. On top of that, I didn’t sleep well last night (another trigger for me) so expected to be a mess today. 

Just a little while ago it occurred to me that I haven't had a lot of head pain or head pressure today!!!  This is a huge win for me since I have woken with head pressure every day for as long as I can remember.” 

Lisa M. - Pennsylvania USA

“I was having 2-3 migraines a week. I’d spend hours in a dark room curled up in bed, with an icepack on my head, diffusing essential oils, trying to not vomit. 

I tried every holistic approach I could think of-supplements, acupuncture, exercise, sleep, water, essential oils... but nothing made the migraines stop. I was tired of wasting time trying to figure out how to end my migraines then not succeeding.

Now I am able to "set myself up" for pain-free days or, at the very least, able to manage and lower my migraine pain so I can be fully engaged in my life. If I can do that in the wake of a pandemic, I can do anything!  

I have discovered a newfound ability & courage to prioritize myself (again)! I am truly grateful and amazed.’’ 

Erinne S. - Rochester, New York USA


From walking on eggshells to hearing my wife laugh again

It was upsetting to see Caron in so much pain so regularly and not be able to do anything to help. I felt completely helpless at times.

When Caron was really suffering, she had less enthusiasm, less energy to join in family activities, withdrew from us, and seemed unhappy a lot of the time.

I had to take days off work when the kids were little or come home early to do the school pick up. I also spent a lot of time playing with them or taking them out by myself at the weekend when Caron was struggling.

Caron understandably was far less tolerant and patient due to her pain. I felt like I was often walking on eggshells, never quite sure what to say or do. It put a huge strain on our relationship and was frustrating for the family as a whole. It was incredibly upsetting and I felt completely helpless.  

It was as if I could not reach Caron when she was in pain. Her headaches were so frequent that it was difficult to be supportive all of the time though and I found this difficult to deal with too.

She took so much medication that we did not often have to change plans socially - although she was never quite herself when we went out due to the medication side effects.

Now after completing the Freedom From Migraines Method program, Caron has lots more energy, is less tired, is far happier, and is much more positive about life.

Not being in daily pain, she is on a much more even keel and has the tolerance and patience to handle the stressors of everyday life. 

It is great to see that she has a new zest for life and is able to pursue things she enjoys like learning Spanish and enrolling for a writing course...neither of which were possible before due to her migraines.  

She laughs a lot more which is great too!!       

I look forward to doing more things as a couple and as a family - with Caron being "present" and not detached/withdrawn because she is in pain. 

If there are any spouses out there wondering if their loved one should enroll in The Freedom From Migraines Method I say, “Go for it!” I would highly recommend the programme after seeing how it has helped Caron and transformed All of our lives.”

Felix D. - Warwickshire, UK

“I would like to echo the comments of how much knowledge, support, and accessibility there is to the group.  My situation is unique as my daughter has been suffering from daily migraines for over a year.  Debbie and this group have contributed to her first break in this vicious cycle.  She has been medication free for three weeks which is the first time in over 12 months.  It is such a comfort knowing when something changes or you have an issue, you have access to almost instant feedback.  Just wish we found Debbie sooner and three neurologists ago.” 

Mary Ellen S. GA, USA

“I can’t believe I had migraines for over 30 years thinking it was something I had to live with.  I was medicated up to the eyeballs with drugs that weren’t working.  I didn’t dare stop taking the drugs in case I got worse.  Medication doesn’t address the cause of migraines, it only masks the migraines.  For anyone wondering whether to take a leap of faith with the programme, I would say do it.  Debbie’s knowledge and experience is second to none.  NO one has to live a life in pain.”

Paula S. Liverpool, UK

You know The Freedom From Migraines Method® is right for you if...

You are ready to live your life again versus watching from the sidelines.

You are done with medications and quick fixes that don’t work.

You are ready to put yourself first so you can be there for everyone else.

Ready to join and want to know next steps?

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