Self Study Masterclass:
The 3 "Go-To" Migraine Relief Hormones to
Reduce the Throbbing & Head Pressure
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Not a Quick Fix with short-lived results, rather a journey to your migraine FREEDOM
What you’re going to get in this Masterclass:
Proven strategies to reduce the severity, duration, and frequency of migraines as you work towards migraine freedom
A simple step by step approach for success
Lifetime* access to the class replay allowing anytime action - fitting busy schedules

* the term Lifetime refers to the lifetime of this course, in its current format.

“I knew if I didn’t start putting myself first and focus on my health, I would be miserable and probably continue experimenting with new medications and quick fixes to squelch symptoms, never addressing the real issue. I noticed improvements after a week of trying to put all the steps together. And so quickly my ‘overactive nervous system’ settled down. The brain fog departed, aches and pains went away, and I was practically migraine-free for the next 2 months. This new me has been a rockstar at work, an active and engaged mom, better help to my husband, and has more time for fun! My body has a bit more of a way to go, but I am getting back on track. And I’m so grateful to Debbie for sharing her knowledge so I could understand how to take better care of my body. I am so happy to enjoy my migraine freedom!”
Sara T. - MN, USA
“Migraines used to cause me anxiety, always worrying when the next attack would happen. I would become anxious when making plans of any kind for fear I would have to cancel due to my head pain. This also made me moody sometimes. If I hadn’t joined I would still spend every day worrying if everything I was doing would cause my next migraine. I still get the occasional migraine, but they are less frequent and hardly ever one that makes me have to cancel my plans or stop my day and go to bed. Now I am able to live my life to the fullest, knowing that each day is not a dreaded battle...all the steps I learned and implemented from this group paid off.”
Julia P. - TX, USA
It has taken a few weeks and I am still moving towards this becoming my new routine. I am really seeing and feeling the benefits these changes are having on my migraine health and this motivates me- making me EXCITED to keep this up. I am discovering that my migraine free journey is about transformation and the willingness to change. Whenever I watch one of Debbie's videos in the group, I feel supported and encouraged to go get a glass of water/ go for a walk / get to bed on time! AND this week I realised that I have not had a migraine for three weeks. I am menopausal and was suffering from at least one migraine a week before then. The group, and seeing Debbie's personal success has made me optimistic because I finally feel I can do something to take control of my health and I will see lasting results. I am realising that you have to work hard and you have to be disciplined and committed but oh my gosh, IT IS WORTH IT!! Debbie's ideas feel practical, empowering, and pioneering in migraine freedom!! I am so excited to keep going and to feel more and more healthy and migraine free.”
Alison S. - East Sussex, United Kingdom
“From the very beginning Debbie’s posts and comments have had a positive effect on my level of stress and migraines caused by stress. It’s like the stress takes a back seat for a bit and I can relax for a change. I can't even begin to tell you how huge it is... the positivity that you project in the group is exactly what I needed.
And after just a few short weeks in the group my stress levels are already down. The positivity has been the absolute best!! Really great vibes are helping me start to get in a better frame of mind which helps with having a little bit of control back over my life.”
Wendy O. - PA, USA
“I noticed it was working after a couple of weeks. Migraines used to cause me anxiety, always worrying when the next attack would happen. I would become anxious when making plans of any kind for fear I would have to cancel due to my head pain. This also made me moody sometimes. If I hadn’t joined I would still spend every day worrying if everything I was doing would cause my next migraine. I still get the occasional migraine, but they are less frequent and hardly ever one that makes me have to cancel my plans or stop my day and go to bed. Now I am able to live my life to the fullest, knowing that each day is not a dreaded battle...all the steps I learned and implemented from this group paid off.”
Julia P. - Kent, United Kingdom
“Taking the steps to join and commit to changing my lifestyle (even just a bit) kept me responsible and I feel really accomplished as I start to go longer with migraine free days. I am happier at work, home and I'm SO grateful for each and every day that I’m pain free. I am definitely suffering less, which is Fabulous! And I’ve picked up some really healthy habits. I didn't expect it to feel so nice to be supported in a group where I know other women know my pain. Having more pain free days I look forward to traveling when I can, and now I have the confidence to make plans without having to worry about when the next migraine will ruin them."
Katie P. - Ontario, Canada
Hi I’m Debbie Waidl, Founder of In the Balance Health Coaching & The Freedom From Migraines Method.
I support busy moms living with Migraines - uncover what is holding them back from migraine freedom so they can live their life pain and symptom free, work productively, spend the time they want with family and friends, and stop missing out on the things they enjoy.
Using a Three Pillars approach to Migraine Freedom, I educate women on how to achieve their desired results without spending hours daily on migraine relief plans, taking countless medications, or following complicated migraine elimination diets.

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