Helping women just like you, reduce their migraine symptoms so they can

Feel Great.

Make plans.

Enjoy Life.

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GET ALL YOU NEED IN ONE EASY-TO-FIND PLATFORM FOR LESS THAN YOUR DAILY CUP OF COFFEE ...We truly believe that this is a great place for you to start your journey towards migraine relief. We believe in it so much that we're offering you a special opportunity to test drive it for two weeks – completely risk-free.

We understand you are skeptical and it's hard trusting in something new, especially when it comes to finding relief from migraines.

That's why we're giving you this chance to experience all that our membership has to offer without any financial commitment. If within those two weeks, you find that it's not the right fit for you, you can cancel at any time by emailing [email protected] at no cost to you.

If you discover that our membership provides you with valuable information and support that enhances your journey toward migraine freedom like we know you will, you can continue with the membership plan that works best for you. We want to assure you that we're here to support you every step of the way.

Exactly what you get as a Migraine Freedom Community Member:

  • Access to our top success coaches and migraine experts who will facilitate the community, ensuring you get the help you need.

  • Access to live training events for the life of your membership.  Challenges, Webinars, Bootcamps, and Masterclasses are available to you in one convenient place without the need to sign up or remember where you saved the replay. 

  • Advanced access to our newly launched weekly Migraine Freedom Your Way Podcast with member-exclusive bonus material you can't find anywhere else. 

  • Members - Only Success Training Guides featuring written and video training on Hormones, Rebound Migraines, Supplements, Inflammation, etc.- valuable resources that will continue to expand catering to the specific needs of the community.

    • BONUS:

      As part of your membership, check out these perks:

      • Bootcamp: FREE, previously $47
      • Masterclass: FREE, previously $47
      • Migraine Success Tracker: 50% off, now $13.50 from $27
      • Kickstart To Migraine Freedom: 50% off, now $148.50 from $297
      • Surviving to Thriving Summit replays: 50% off, now $48.5 from $97
      • Recipes for Freedom: 50% off, now $75 from $149.99

      Total savings: $379.50. Enjoy these exceptional benefits!

For an incredibly low cost, you have the chance to join a community of women who are ready to take action and seek relief from the relentless symptoms that come with migraines- from nausea and dizziness to neck pain and gut issues.

But it doesn't stop there.

You will have peace of mind knowing that our team of success coaches, experts, and myself are facilitating and continuously monitoring the group, ensuring that you receive the support you need.

You are no longer alone in this journey.

You might know me from:

An opportunity for you to spend three weeks actually working through content our FFMM members use to reduce the severity, duration, and frequency of their migraines.

Hi, I'm Debbie Waidl, Founder of the Freedom From Migraines Method and the Migraine Freedom Protocol...

I support busy moms living with Migraines. 

I uncover what is holding them back from migraine freedom so they can live their life pain and symptom free, work productively, spend the time they want with family and friends, and stop missing out on the things they enjoy.

I was once right where you are now.  100% believing there was NO WAY to end migraines and my only option was to learn how to live with them or find that magic pill that maybe would work for a while.  If anyone told me back then that I could end my pain once and for all, I would have called BS and popped another pill!

Skeptical times 10  was my middle name for sure because when you try it all and everyone tells you they can help you and they don’t.   You stop believing…  you lose HOPE!

I now realize I was approaching my migraines all backward.

I was trying to cover up symptoms versus trying to end my pain.

What Freedom From Migraines Members are saying...

living life again_ katherine m
getting off medication_ sandy o
getting off medications_ sarah m
getting off meds_ robin c
living life again_ kim p
living life again_ aliece g

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