The kids are back to school...

The kids are back in school and the migraines have returned with a vengeance. 

The early mornings, making lunches, homework, after school activities and early bedtimes are enough to push any parent over the edge, let alone a parent battling chronic migraines.   Somedays you may admit defeat and crawl back into bed while the house falls apart around you.  I bet most days you push through the pain, chugging coffee and medication to function. 

I’m guessing your doctor hasn’t warned you that pushing through the pain is only making the migraines worse and increasing your risks for other health issues like cancer or Alzheimer's due to chronic inflammation.  

But even if you knew that already, I know how hard it is to take the time needed to stop the migraine when you are the glue that keeps the morning routine together. 

There are a few solutions I found to make this summer to school year transition a bit easier.  Give them a try and let me know what works for you.  

back to school migrane free tips
  1. Prep everything the night before. Make lunches, lay out clothes and get breakfast ready. This avoids the morning rush and gives you more time to ease into your morning. 
  2. Have a backup plan for the really bad days. Call in reinforcements from family and friends to help get the kids where they need to go. Pushing through when you shouldn't will only make things worse in the long run.
  3. Take time for yourself each day. Even just 5 or 10 minutes of walking, reading or meditation gives the most frazzled nervous system a much needed break. Recharging allows you to be more present for family when they need you.  

The back to school transition is hard on any parent, but for those of you battling chronic health issues, it can feel nearly impossible some days. 

Be kind to yourself, ask for help when you need it and take things one day at a time.

If you are looking for more ideas on how to have a smoothe transition from summer to the school year join us over on the Women’s Migraine Freedom Group for our weekly Thursday Migraine Strategy Calls & Trainings.


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Debbie Waidl is the Owner of In The Balance Health Coaching LLC, and Founder of The Freedom From Migraines Method™   & The Migraine Freedom Protocol™ 
She supports busy moms living with Migraines. 

Debbie will uncover what is holding them back from migraine freedom so they can live their life pain and symptom free, work productively, spend the time they want with family and friends, and stop missing out on the things they enjoy.

A message from Debbie:
"I was once right where you are now.  100% believing there was NO WAY to end migraines and my only option was to learn how to live with them or find that magic pill that maybe would work for a while.  If anyone told me back then that I could end my pain once and for all, I would have called BS and popped another pill!

Skeptical times 10  was my middle name for sure because when you try it all and everyone tells you they can help you and they don’t.   You stop believing…  you lose HOPE!

I now realize I was approaching my migraines all backward.

I was trying to cover up symptoms versus trying to end my pain."

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