Recipes for Freedom

Online recipe collection.

Migraine safe recipes.

Meal planning tools.

  • Barbara M

    Thank you to Debbie and ouro coaches for the recipes they have compiled. My husband and I print off 5 recipes for the week. Just today, we began having leftovers for lunch. They are healthy, delicious and now I have some lunches covered too. This takes the "What would you like for dinner?" stress away and the lunch "What am I going to eat for lunch that is healthy today?" stress away too. I am very grateful for this part of the program!

    Barbara M. - Rocky Mount, VA

Online Recipe Collection Subscription

When it comes to Migraine Freedom one of the biggest questions we get asked is…. What can I eat that won’t cause a migraine?

Because food plays such an integral part in our lives, when we don’t know what to eat based on our own health, it can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause a migraine.

Can I have gluten?  What about dairy, or soy?

Are carbs ok or is keto the way to go?

What about sugar?

While working on migraine freedom, each of our clients learns the best meal plan for their health, changing their relationship with food and allowing the healing process to begin.

  • Recipes for Freedom is a collection of 800+and growing  inflammation reducing recipes designed with you in mind.

  • Searching the internet for recipes that are healthy and support your healing versus fueling your migraine can be a daunting task so we’ve done the hard work for you.

  • Whether you are an expert in the kitchen or still learning your way, there are recipes for you here.

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migraine freedom recipe win


Recipes for Freedom Annual Subscription
$ 149.99


  • Recipes for Freedom Annual Subscription

    * This is a recurring product
  • Total

    USD $149.99


You might know me from:

Hi! I’m Debbie.

Founder of the Freedom From Migraines Method & In the Balance Health Coaching.

I support busy moms living with Migraines - uncover what is holding them back from migraine freedom so they can live their life pain and symptom free, work productively, spend the time they want with family and friends, and stop missing out on the things they enjoy.
Using a Three Pillars approach to Migraine Freedom, I educate women on how to achieve their desired results without spending hours daily on migraine relief plans, taking countless medications, or following complicated migraine elimination diets.

What Freedom From Migraines Method Members are saying...

  • Lisa M. AFTER Photo 4-29-21

    “If I didn’t join The Freedom From Migraines Method I would still be in tears on my couch. I would tell someone who was not sure of investing in their potentially pain free future to think about having “THAT” pain for the rest of their life. It was worth every penny for me to learn what I have, get some relief, and have the support of the group. Never give up hope!” Lisa M. PA, USA

  • Deanne Fletcher AFTER 4-29-21

    “Because of what I learned in The Freedom From Migraines Method I can now take day trips to see my son and his wife 3 ½ hours away. I can go to sports games and enjoy them without the fear of having to leave due to pain. The FFMM program was so helpful because the step by step plan Debbie teaches is so easy. You can go at your own pace and ask questions and have tons of support along the way. You owe it to yourself to get better. The FFMM program...It’s worth it. I am forever grateful to have joined FFMM. It has been life-changing.” Deanne F. IA, USA

  • Jo A Headshot 11-29-21

    “In FFMM I was given as much support as I wanted and needed from Debbie and the team plus the group helped me by making connections with others who are in the same boat as I was. There is really nothing to lose but so much to gain by being a part of FFMM.”   Jo A. Liverpool,  UK

  • Raphaela Headshot 11-29-21

    “I am so glad I believed in FFMM - it’s worth it! Do the work. Be honest with yourself so you can get to being at your best potential! I am so enjoying just living again without daily threats of migraine and look forward to more migraine free days!” Raphaela S. WI, USA

  • Debbie Mc. 12-7-21

    “I would tell anyone on the fence about joining that if you can afford it, invest the money in yourself. This program benefits your whole family, because when you don’t have migraines...they get YOU back. There isn’t really a price you can put on that. It is a 16 week commitment that will last you the rest of your life.” Debbie M. Merseyside, United Kingdom

  • Giselle 12-7-21

    “If I had to say anything to anyone deciding to join the program... Please just do it! You will 100% not regret it. The support you will receive from Debbie, Erinne and the other women in the group is second to none. You will be talking to people who truly understand and have been where you are now. You will learn so much. Information that will change the way you live your life forever. Lastly, I just want to say a huge thank you for all the help and support that I have been given. At last I feel that I am on the right road to migraine freedom, and I will be forever grateful.” Giselle B. West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

  • Caron D. & Felix 12-6-21

    “If there are any spouses out there wondering if their loved one should enroll in The Freedom From Migraines Method I say, “Go for it!” I would highly recommend the programme after seeing how it has helped Caron and transformed All of our lives.” Felix D. Warwickshire, UK

  • Andrea L 12-1-21

    “Not sure if you should join the FFMM program because you feel like there is nothing left for you to try, that you have done it all? I honestly am the worst at following through with anything and I can do it! You will be amazed at how easy to follow and how simple it is to do. Just do it! Do it for yourself! You are so worth it! Time to take care of yourself and not just everyone else. Invest that money in yourself to have a pain free life! While it will not happen overnight (even though we would love Debbie to wave a magic wand and "poof" we are fixed) …If you follow this program you will have migraine freedom!” Andrea L, CA USA

  • Lori F. 12-13-21

    “If you have migraines and are wondering if this program can help you....I would say- "Take the plunge!" It is worth seeing how your body responds. You will determine what works for you as an individual with Debbie and Erinne coaching, teaching and supporting you as well as support from the other women in the group. I am so glad Debbie started this journey to help others to reduce that number of 1 in 4 women that suffer from migraines. It would have been easier to just enjoy her own migraine free life but seriously, each time she helps someone, it's amazing. That is truly incredible. I now have HOPE.” Lori F. NY USA

  • Screen Shot 2021-12-23 at 10.28.39 AM

    "I just wanted to let you know that I have now completed the course. I am absolutely thrilled with the results. After living with daily headaches/migraines pretty much all of my life, I have now not had a headache at all for 3 months. I had forgotten what it feels like to not be worried about or constantly talking about headaches, to not rely on numerous daily medications, to not be seeking the ultimate cure. I now feel positive and energised when I get up in the morning, looking forward to the day ahead. I laugh more easily, have lots more fun and am far more healthy and aware of my wellbeing. The positive impact on all my relationships has been huge too. I can not thank you enough for supporting me on this journey. It would be easy to write 2020 off as a bad year due to Covid but I must remember that amidst all that negativity, one incredible thing happened to completely change my life. I now feel happily confident that I can take these methods forwards and continue to live migraine free - THANK YOU". Caron D. Warwickshire UK

  • Lisa H. AFTER Photo 4-29-21

    “I am so glad that I made the decision to join. It has been life-changing in the most positive way! As a 4th grade teacher, my days at work are not flexible. I also have two teenagers who are in several sports and other activities. The program is so flexible I was able to make time to fit the work into my crazy schedule! No matter how busy you are, the program is flexible and worth the investment in your health. I didn't feel pressured and she clearly wanted to make sure I was ready to make the necessary changes before determining if it was right for me to join. If you are ready to get to the root cause of your migraines and feel better, I highly recommend joining the program." Lisa H. New York, USA

  • Anna S & Harry 12-1-21

    “If any spouse is wondering if they should support their loved one into joining The Freedom From Migraines Method...Just do it, try it, there is nothing better than getting your wife back!” Harry S. Suffolk, United Kingdom

  • Michelle W - 5:4:21 FFMM Panel

    “I would tell that person who was on the fence about joining FFMM, someone who was afraid the commitment wouldn’t pay off because everything they tried in the past didn’t work….If the things they tried in the past were band-aids and quick fixes and they are still looking for that Magic Cure, this is not the program for them. When they are ready to take full responsibility for their own health and make difficult changes to their lifestyle to make the healthiest version of themselves, they are on the path to migraine freedom, and FFMM will guide them. Remember you are worth the investment of your time, money, and effort. Someone once told me 'When we are good, the ones we love are better. Make yourself good and everyone wins!'" Michelle W. CA USA

  • Kristin D 11-30-21

    “If you are ready to get off medication and find the root cause of your migraines, I would recommend this program!! You do need to be willing to put in the work …But if you do, you will not only reduce your migraines but reduce the total inflammation in your body. You WILL feel good! If you suffer from migraines you know what a gift it is to feel good and if you work the program you will be rewarded with lots of pain free days.” Kristin D, MA USA

  • Bryan

    “If you are tired of seeing your spouse in pain, and losing days every month to migraines, you want to try this program. This program can absolutely help, and life without migraines is so much better for everyone in the family and in our house! It is possible to make changes in your life and diet that keep the migraines from happening in the first place! And avoiding the migraines completely is much better than trying to control them with medication. There are no “rebound headaches” and no scary side effects. I didn’t know if this would really help or not when my spouse signed up. It has changed our lives so much for the better. Period.” Bryan R. NY, USA

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