Neck Tension: Pinpointing the Cause Between Prodrome, Occipital Neuralgia, and Nerve Pain
Neck Tension: Pinpointing the Cause Between Prodrome, Occipital Neuralgia, and Nerve Pain Last week, our discussion focused on the trigeminal nerve. If you haven’t checked out that blog post yet, I highly recommend taking a look before diving into today’s blog. This week, we’re focusing on another culprit behind your discomfort and canceled plans: the…
Read MoreWhat The Nerve: Your Trigeminal Nerve’s Secret Role in Migraines
What The Nerve: Your Trigeminal Nerve’s Secret Role in Migraines The trigeminal nerve is something we’re all too familiar with, but we may not have all of the details we need. This nerve plays a big part in the pain that’s keeping you from living the life you want. Think of it like the main…
Read MoreBreathe Easy Again: Identifying and Overcoming Fragrance Triggers
Breathe Easy Again: Identifying and Overcoming Fragrance Triggers Humans possess the remarkable ability to detect over 1 trillion odors. Yet, it’s fascinating how our responses to these odors vary dramatically. Have you ever noticed how a particular fragrance can uplift your mood yet seemingly irritate the person next to you? Or how an aroma that…
Read MoreNavigating the School Year with Less Stress and Fewer Migraines
Navigating the School Year with Less Stress and Fewer Migraines We all know how it feels when September rolls around. We prepare for the whirlwind of school schedules, extracurriculars, and never-ending to-do lists. It’s not just the kids having to adjust; it’s a whole family shift. And when you’re trying to balance it all with…
Read MoreJaci’s Path: When Conventional Medicine Meets Functional Medicine for Migraine Relief
Jaci’s Path: When Conventional Medicine Meets Functional Medicine for Migraine Relief Imagine someone who knows exactly what you’re going through with migraines because she’s been there herself. That’s Jaci for you. She’s not only an experienced nurse practitioner but also a mom and someone who’s had her share of battling relentless migraine days. Jaci has…
Read MoreTeaching Through the Pain: A Guide to Managing Migraines in the Classroom
Teaching Through the Pain: A Guide to Managing Migraines in the Classroom One of the ways my team and I support women in achieving migraine freedom is to get to know them… truly know them. Not just their migraine symptoms, not just their health history, or the pills they are taking… but really get to…
Read MoreParenting Through Pain: A Mom’s Resource for Tackling Young Migraines
Parenting Through Pain: A Mom’s Resource for Tackling Young Migraines Seeing your child struggle with migraines can make you feel powerless, and if you’re struggling with migraines too, it’s as if the pain that has shadowed so much of your life has set its sights on them too. I want you to know, there’s hope…
Read MoreSunshine Without the Shadow: Avoid Heat-Induced Headaches
Sunshine Without the Shadow: Avoid Heat-Induced Headaches It’s utterly frustrating, isn’t it? When we all look forward to shedding those winter layers and soaking in some gentle sun, that familiar, unwelcoming pain starts knocking on our door. It feels almost unfair that warmer temperatures– the beautiful weather many crave most– can be spoiled by migraines.…
Read MoreBright Days Ahead: Your Guide to Seasonal Bliss
Bright Days Ahead: Your Guide to Seasonal Bliss Hey there, friend. I totally get how summer brings a mix of joy for family time and the dread of migraine triggers. Believe me, I remember when every outing felt like rolling the dice with my head as the stakes. But I’m shifting gears today to share…
Read MoreRecognizing Anxiety and Its Impact on Migraines
Recognizing Anxiety and Its Impact on Migraines I met a woman named Anna a few years back, who like many of you, was struggling with the relentless cycle of migraines and anxiety. Migraines and anxiety left her feeling trapped and on edge nearly every day. Anxiety bred migraines; migraines bred anxiety – a perfect storm…
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