Your Journey, Our Surefire Guide: Navigating Migraine Freedom together

When I had daily migraines over a decade ago, I was tirelessly searching for that one magic answer for how to end my migraines.

Each thing I found offered some relief but never lasted and was never enough.

If this sounds like you, I'm excited to share how using the Migraine Freedomâ„¢ Protocol I can guide you on your journey to migraine freedom.

My passion lies not only in assisting women who suffer from migraines but also those who face additional health issues that make daily life even more challenging and complicate the journey to ending their pain.

I really do get where you're coming from. I used to think my migraines were just something I'd have to live with forever.

I didn't focus on my overall health only on managing my symptoms, and eventually, my body started waving the red flag.

I ended up with Hashimoto's, anxiety and a mess of stomach issues, plus eosinophilic esophagitis on top of it all.  When you ignore the signs too long your body will start to break down and unfortunately, permanent damage can set in.

The good news is whether you have a family history of migraines, deal with neck and back injuries, face autoimmunity complexities, have battled cancer, been diagnosed with IBS or fibromyalgia, experience vestibular issues, or neuralgia alongside your migraines—I'm here for you and there are things you can do to lessen if not end your pain.

Together, we'll explore strategies that will not only reduce your migraines but also address the root of your other health concerns. It's all about determining what your specific body needs and ensuring it gets just that.

With all the different levels of unique support I offer women, it's really important that you know exactly what they are and how they might align for you.

The big truth is -your health is your wealth, your everything.

Without it, life just doesn't sparkle the way it should.

It's not just about living longer; it's about living fuller, without limits.

Because let's face it, when our health takes a hit, our dreams have to take a back seat, and that's not what any of us want.

It's important that you have real clarity around the support that you need, bridging the knowledge gaps that are holding you back, and also saving you time and money in the long run.

Poor health is expensive and sucks up all your free time.

Let’s see how we can get that back for you.

One of my biggest values not just as a business owner, but as an individual, is to create long-term health, to help you build longevity when it comes to your future, and to be a really, really good coach who not only teaches you the tools you need now- but how to adapt as life changes so your health continues to stay strong.

So I really wanted to create a guide for you where you can understand and learn how I can support you, and how my services would align based on where you're at in your migraine journey and match up with your specific life goals.

Knowing what you want your life to look like 1 month, 1 year, and 1 decade from now really helps you determine what you need to get there.

Toward the end of this blog, I'll be providing a comprehensive and expanded version of our service details in written form. It will be laid out clearly for you, ensuring easy navigation and understanding.

You can also reach out via DM or email at [email protected], go to the link in my Instagram bio, or pop over to my website, and look at each of these services in more depth.

So let's start with the services I provide.

Okay, so if you want to find out about the work that I do with my clients, the results that they create, and the credibility of my services, make sure you check out my highlights on Instagram, our weekly wins reel as well as the thousands of women sharing their stories on my website and over in the Women’s Migraine Freedom™ Facebook Group.

If you love what you see and want more, check out my YouTube channel as well and join us monthly in the Women’s Migraine Freedom™ Group for our Members Spotlight where you can talk LIVE to our Freedom From Migraines Method® Alumni about their experiences finding their freedom.

Everything that I do as a migraine freedom coach and mentor is about making sure that we generate lasting results for as many women as possible.

So yes, my business is successful. Yes, I have my own large team.

Yes, I manage sold-out programs for women in pain. But that isn't important.

What is important is that I'm able to watch clients create results consistently with an over 90% success rate in reducing the severity, duration, and frequency of their migraines as well as reducing the many other symptoms they are struggling with like brain fog, joint pain, allergies, food sensitivities, constipation, tinnitus, dizziness, nausea and more.

This isn't just about me trying to generate more money for my business.  Yes, I am so blessed I was able to take something I am so passionate about and make it my life's work and have it be successful.

But at the end of the day, my company, In the Balance Health Coaching, isn’t about my day-to-day job but about seeing women get their lives back.  That's the true wealth.

It’s about sharing all of the science-based research with you so you do not have to go through what I did and live with daily migraines for 10 years.

It's about seeing you not missing out on your kids growing up or having to turn down friends' invitations for fear you will have to cancel.

It's about you having strong relationships and not having migraines derail them or watching you accept that new position at work because you know you can be dependable and not call in sick to work all the time.

So if you do want to have a look at the work that I do with my clients, and how we co-create success, then please, just check out my Instagram, my website, YouTube,  and my Facebook group and you can see all of the amazing women who are important to me and why I do what I do.

You can see how I created a protocol that is easily tailored by every single one of my clients-the key that allows them to succeed in a way that works for their life, their goals, their personality, their energy, and their learning styles. That's the KEY! No cookie cutter approach here!

I'm going to go through the fundamentals of my business services, and then we can dig a bit deeper into how they could work for you.

I have broken down my services into three levels to make it really simple for you to determine the right level of support for you.

The best way to start is to determine your WHY and WHEN.

Why do you want to end your migraines and when do you want it to happen?

Let's start by exploring the "Why"... Why do you want to stop your migraines?

Obviously, you want to get rid of the pain. But let's dig deeper.

Why do you want to be free from pain?

We are going to keep asking WHY until we get to the real raw WHY!

Maybe your WHY is because living with pain means you can't take care of your kids effectively.

Why does this matter?  This matters because you deeply love them and want to savor every moment before they grow and life takes them in different directions. The time spent together will change, making these moments now priceless.

By asking "Why" multiple times, we've uncovered more profound reasons behind the need to address your migraines.

Next, let's talk about timing.

When do you envision reaching your goal? In a month, a year, or perhaps a decade?

You understand what I'm getting at. How quickly do you want to reclaim the fulfilling life that you rightfully deserve?

Keeping our goals in mind, now let's explore which of the three levels you resonate with most.

Within each level, there are five unique scenarios.

Track how many scenarios within each level feel true to your situation.

This will help us together pinpoint the level of support you require to turn your 'when' and 'why' into reality.

Level 1

- You are not in a rush to reduce your migraine pain and symptoms

- Migraines do not significantly impact your daily life

- You do not have additional health concerns and symptoms increasing such as exhaustion, brain fog, gut issues, joint pain, food allergies or sensitivities, thyroid issues, anxiety or depression, dizziness, nausea, autoimmune, etc.

- You do not spend money on medications and supplements, gadgets such as oils and ice hats, injections, or alternative therapies like chiropractic care, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, and Botox. You don’t buy special foods or eat a special diet to reduce pain, have co-pays, or lose time at work and with family. You don’t need help with daily tasks because of pain, and you don’t spend money on treating other health conditions, etc.

- You think your migraines are caused by your genes, hormones, injury, etc. Essentially, you feel you are different from other women and that your migraines cannot be stopped.

If this sounds like you, The Women's Migraine Freedom™ Facebook Group offers a supportive space to uncover why you haven’t yet achieved migraine freedom.

This Free group offers research-backed, results-driven training that eliminates the clutter of conflicting advice from the internet and the conventional medical community, equipping members with the facts they need to understand root cause solutions versus short-term band-aid management tools.

In this group, you will have access to monthly training, live events and so much more. Make sure you keep an eye on the events tab in the Women’s Migraine Freedom™ group, my stories, and the weekly round-up newsletter for details on all of our upcoming training events.

If this is you, make sure you are a member of our Women’ Migraine Freedom™ group by heading over to Facebook and joining now. Once you do, start in the features section of this group for details on how to work through all of our mini training sessions.

If in 2-3 months you are still experiencing pain make sure to reach back out to hear about level 2.

Okay, onto level 2 

- You want to end your migraines soon. You are pushing through each day and are tired of managing with medications or gadgets to get by.

- Migraines impact your daily life to the point you have to cancel plans or call in sick to work and even when you do manage to push through you aren’t fully present.

- You have increasing health concerns such as exhaustion, brain fog, gut issues, joint pain, food allergies or sensitivities, thyroid issues, anxiety or depression, dizziness, nausea, autoimmune, etc.

- You spend more than $50 a month on medications and supplements, gadgets such as oils and ice hats, injections, or alternative therapies like chiropractic care, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, and Botox. You buy special food or eat a special diet to reduce pain, have co-pays,  and lose time at work and with family. You need help with tasks you can't do because of pain and spend money on treating other health conditions, etc.

- You understand hormones, head or neck injury, weather, lights, etc. can play a part in migraines but you hope you can learn how to have control over how they impact your life.

If this sounds like you, The Migraine Freedom™ Community Membership offers a self-paced approach with weekly coaching support to allow you to really dive into what’s holding you back, giving you a clear vision of your pain’s root cause and your next steps to find freedom.

Every month, we switch up the training theme to bring you the most sought-after information and the truth backed by science, saving you the hassle of digging through the sea of unreliable data yourself.

You have access to coaching support that's not only easy on your wallet but also comes with a cancel-anytime policy.  You can manage your membership on your own through your member-only portal giving you the freedom and flexibility to make this work for you.

The membership allows you to invest in your success without worry, as our coaching is designed to empower you with the freedom to choose what's best for you, at your own pace.

If you join the membership and in 2-3 months you are still experiencing pain make sure to reach back out to hear about how level 3 may be right for you.

Ok, now level three. This level tends to resonate the most with the majority of women.

- You need to end your migraines now. The medications and band-aid solutions are not enough anymore or you feel you are taking them way too often and taking too many.

- Migraines impact your life more days than not. You are canceling plans or not making plans due to fear of canceling, you are unable to work or calling in sick more than you would like, and you spend a lot of time and/or money trying to stop your pain.

- You are experiencing additional health concerns
and your symptoms are increasing such as: exhaustion, brain fog, gut issues, joint pain, food allergies or sensitivities, thyroid issues, anxiety or depression, dizziness, nausea, autoimmune, etc.

- You spend more than $100 a month on medications and supplements, gadgets such as oils and ice hats, injections, or alternative therapies like chiropractic care, massage, physical therapy, acupuncture, and Botox. You buy special food or eat a special diet to reduce pain, have co-pays,  and lose time at work and with family. You need help with tasks you can't do because of pain and spend money on treating other health conditions, etc.

- You understand hormones, head or neck injuries, weather, lights, etc. can play a part in migraines and are ready to learn how to have control over how they impact your life.

If this sounds like you, one of our Freedom From Migraines Method® programs is the ultimate, comprehensive solution you've been searching for.

It is designed to be the last step you'll need on your path to lasting migraine freedom by teaching you how to personalize The Migraine Freedomâ„¢ Protocol to meet your needs.

Along with migraine relief, most women see a reduction in other symptoms and a decrease in future health issues by reducing chronic inflammation, the root cause of chronic disease and symptoms.

This program distinguishes itself by offering a customizable approach that ensures you feel supported.

Our FFMM Plus level, the most popular plan,  includes 6 months of 7 days a week coaching support, 9 months access to your 12-week "Freedom from Migraines" course, Q&A support through two weekly coaching calls, monthly 1:1 private calls, our over 800 Recipes for Freedom collection and a full program audit to keep you on track to achieve your goals.

And to top it off the Plus plan includes an additional 3 months of Alumni support so you can solidify all of your success for lasting relief.

This comprehensive structure provides you with the essential knowledge to make informed decisions about your health to fast-track your migraine freedom and well-being.

Our success coaches truly get it. With backgrounds rich in health and migraines, plus their own stories of trying everything under the sun before finally nailing it with this program, they're not just knowledgeable; they're experienced and relatable.

They've walked a mile in your shoes, tackling everything from genetics and specific migraine diagnoses to head or neck injuries, gut challenges, anxiety and depression, POTS as well as cancer and autoimmune issues, etc. Now, they're here to guide you, with a straightforward focused approach, toward your own migraine freedom.

If you make this choice you will NOT need to reach back out because you will have the support you need to make a significant difference in the severity, duration, and frequency of your migraines in as little as a few months.

Ok so that was a LOT, but as I said we are attaching a written version of this with more details so you can take the time you need to determine what level you are and what support will allow you to make your WHY and WHEN a reality!!

If you have any questions on which level you are, please reach out.

We are happy to chat with you to go over your migraine freedom journey in more detail to help you make the best decision for yourself so that this year can be the year you finally stop searching for relief and get to live it.

Okay, before we wrap up, let's talk next steps.

It's fantastic to gather knowledge and insights but remember—without putting what you've learned into action, nothing's going to shift.

So which level do you identify with?

If you're at Level 1: Take a look at the featured section in the Women’s Migraine Freedom™ Facebook Group and start your journey with our mini-trainings.

If you're at Level 2: You're all set for the Migraine Freedomâ„¢ Community Membership. Once signed up, watch for an email that will provide you with access to your dedicated platform.

If you're at Level 3: We’ll see you over in the Freedom From Migraines Method® program that aligns with you best.

And if you’re unsure about your level… booking a Migraine Breakthrough™ call can provide the clarity you need.

Don’t forget to grab the document that breaks down each level even more, giving you the information you need to find your migraine freedom.

I can’t wait to help you make this the last year you have to search for ways to end migraines, and the first year in a long time you get to live exactly as you wish.

To get started, commit to your health and send me a DM with your level.
See you soon.

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Debbie Waidl is the Owner of In The Balance Health Coaching LLC, and Founder of The Freedom From Migraines Method™   & The Migraine Freedom Protocol™ 
She supports busy moms living with Migraines. 

Debbie will uncover what is holding them back from migraine freedom so they can live their life pain and symptom free, work productively, spend the time they want with family and friends, and stop missing out on the things they enjoy.

A message from Debbie:
"I was once right where you are now.  100% believing there was NO WAY to end migraines and my only option was to learn how to live with them or find that magic pill that maybe would work for a while.  If anyone told me back then that I could end my pain once and for all, I would have called BS and popped another pill!

Skeptical times 10  was my middle name for sure because when you try it all and everyone tells you they can help you and they don’t.   You stop believing…  you lose HOPE!

I now realize I was approaching my migraines all backward.

I was trying to cover up symptoms versus trying to end my pain."

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