Client Success


We're migraine freedom specialist helping
women achieve long-lasting relief from migraines naturally, moving beyond the short-lived solutions of pills, injections, and trendy gadgets that ultimately stop working.

What their loved ones said:

"We live life and we're just having a great time and we just trust the process. I would encourage them to join the program and do the program and work, read, study. I think we're all lifetime learners."

"If you're willing to put the work into the program, you will have a positive result at the end of it "


"The program has really, truly, in my opinion given her quality of life back. She's more active, she's able to do things that she was doing prior to the migraines. So everything she's had now really has helped. This program has been fantastic. It's really done a lot for her."


"It’s been great having my mom back and having grandma back without having to have migraines every day. And it’s been really fun to be able to continue to do all the fun things, hanging out with the grandkids, going for bike rides."


"We learned that if you try to then push through and do more, you just get a rebound headache. And all of a sudden you're down again, and that just makes it worse. It was good to learn that these were the things that we could change.  It's totally worth it."


"You want your spouse to be healthy, and this might just be the road. For my wife, the neurologist way wasn't the road. You got to give it a try. I'd right a check for three times what we paid. It's not just her that's going through it. You're going through it too."


"When I think back to all the hard work and effort that it does take and it's not easy, stick with it because it'll all drop into place and the outcome will be pain-free or lower pain-free."


"So just the logic standpoint of my own mind is like, why wouldn't you roll the dice on them, even if it only worked 50 % one less day, a month of a migraine is still a win, Cheryl got her life back. Helped not 20%, but helped 90 % it really, really helped."


There's just so many avenues for your people to turn for help. You have a lot of good systems in place for people.

So there's hope, there's that community and she'll have it for the rest of her life, that program that she put in place.


I highly recommend the program just for that sake and how it helped her get off of some of those medications and monitoring her own lifestyle.


"I came in with high expectations and they were exceeded! "


"Before the Freedom from Migraine Method, Tammy faced 12 to 15 debilitating migraines each month. Now, thanks to the program, her migraines are less frequent and severe, and she can manage headaches before they worsen. We are hopeful for a future where she is completely migraine-free."


"After 15 years of watching my wife Anne suffer from migraines, I was skeptical about this program. But now, her headaches are less frequent and shorter. We’re hopeful for even more improvement. Thank you."

Tina C

FFMM didn't just throw general solutions at me. The personalized guides, the bonus videos – they've set a path tailored for my unique health needs.

Tina C.

Sarah W

Nearly medication-free from a former regimen of seven daily meds, it feels like I've been handed a new lease on life.

Sarah W.

Karen H

To that person who is skeptical and fearful about FFMM, I've been there. But trust me, it worked for me! You owe it to yourself to give this a chance.

Karen H.

Cynthia H

To anyone feeling skeptical or afraid to join FFMM, I was in your shoes. But taking that step can lead to meaningful changes. FFMM has given me tools I wouldn't have discovered on my own - it's been worth it.

Cynthia H.

Marybeth R

If you're unsure about FFMM, look at the success stories. They speak volumes. This isn’t just another program, it’s a life-changer.

Marybeth R.

Lindsay H

The FFMM isn't a piecemeal solution like before. It's a complete, integrated approach that doesn't simply patch over the problem, it directly addresses it.

Lindsay S.


I'm telling you, from one mom to another, FFMM gives you back your life.

Windy H.

Tonya S

Because of FFMM, I'm reconnecting with my family, feeling happier, and actively participating in my life

Tonya S.

No More Canceled Plans

No More Quick Fixes

Symptom Breakthrough

Weather Breakthroughs

Energy Breakthroughs

Gut Health Breakthroughs

Sleep Breakthroughs

Stress Management

Migraine Breakthroughs

Ideal Weight Breakthrough


Exercise Breakthroughs

Teens find relief from pain

Hope Restored

Support for Freedom

Your Freedom

Let's reduce your migraine symptoms so you can
Feel Great, Make plans, Enjoy Life

Migraines are more than just headaches; they're a sign of deeper imbalances. This is why temporary fixes like pills, injections, and the latest gadgets often fail to provide lasting relief. Achieving freedom from migraines requires a holistic, full-body approach and we're here to support you at every step.