Sheila’s Shift:  How Embracing Self-Care Transformed Her Pain Into Migraine Freedom

Many of the women who suffer from migraines and wind up in my world consider themselves to have a Type A personality. They are always on the go, trying to manage ten things at once.

Their to-do lists are a mile long, and they thrive on the business of their day until migraine pain shows up.

They have no time to deal with this and often find ways to push through with pills, injections, or ice packs strapped to their heads.

Because they are Type A, they spend a lot of time researching how to end their pain.

They've tried all the diets, the new meds, and the alternative therapies.

Some give little results, but most have zero impact on keeping the pain away.

What They’re Missing

There’s one thing they haven’t tried because they are hesitant, saying they are too busy – that’s taking time for themselves!

Most women I talk to find it difficult to tell me what they do for themselves on a daily basis.

Their days are filled with shopping trips accompanied by their children or quick haircuts. But these things are errands, not self-care.

In fact, they often can’t even tell me the last time they spent a few hours in nature, signed up for a yoga class, or had a spa day.

They don’t have time for self-care – or so they think. They have a busy life, and they suffer from migraines.

Self-Care is Healthcare

What's absolutely fundamental in our lives? Our health.

Without it, tackling our daily tasks is not possible.

We need our health in tip-top shape to be a rockstar at work, run a tight ship at home, raise kids, explore the world, cultivate hobbies, and more.

So, on those ultra-busy days when we wonder just how much time we can spare for a bit of self-care, the answer should be as clear as day: whatever time it takes.

Meet Sheila

Sheila's story hits close to home.

Imagine years of juggling the demands of being an educator and mother to three – with two children who have special needs.

The struggle was real, and migraine pain made a lot of days feel like a never-ending battle until. . .

Sheila’s Aha Moment

Sheila realized that taking a little time for herself wasn't being selfish.

And it turned out to be the best decision for her well-being. Not only did she rediscover joy, but she also reclaimed her health.

Below, Sheila shares her journey to migraine freedom, where lunch dates with her granddaughter and indulging in sweet treats are back on the menu, all without the dread of pain.

Sheila’s Story

This is what Sheila had to say in a recent conversation I had with her:

"My name is Sheila Tanner, and like many of you, I struggled with debilitating migraines.

Before I joined FFMM, I tried different triptans combined with over-the-counter medications and avoided anything that I thought was causing my migraines.

Unfortunately, the relief I got from triptans was short-lived, and they led to rebound migraines, which only intensified the pain and increased the duration.

When I first learned about Freedom From Migraines Method, my biggest fear was finding the time to devote to doing something for myself.

I knew I needed to try something different, so I decided to give it a chance. Since joining, I have experienced significant improvements in my migraine suffering.

The intensity and duration of my migraines have reduced, and I haven't used triptans since I started the program. Now, when a migraine comes along, I use the strategies I learned to help manage the pain.

Through FFMM, I learned that Electrolyte Symmetry and the other five key areas of inflammation were essential for my well-being.

FFMM has improved my quality of life by making me feel and sleep better.

I am no longer living in fear of the next migraine because I now have the tools to handle them. I’m no longer dependent on medication to treat my migraines.

If I hadn't joined FFMM, I'd still be living in fear that a migraine was on the horizon and would coincide with something I had planned.

My family has noticed my progress and is happy with the changes in my health.

As a result of my progress in FFMM, I can be a better caregiver because I am also caring for my own needs!

I used to suffer from migraines every other week, which would last for 5-6 days each time.

Since completing the program, I now get a migraine every couple of weeks, and they last only about a day. My migraine severity has also dropped from a 10 to a 4-5 level.

I started FFMM taking three medications (including over-the-counter and those for other health conditions) and have reduced that number to only one.

So, for anyone who is on the fence about joining FFMM, I would say don't wait.

Your migraines are not the main issue. Working on your entire body and mind will drastically improve your life!"

*Update: Since the initial sharing of her story, Sheila's migraines have shown even more improvement—each day bringing fewer and lesser episodes.

To watch Sheila’s interview, click here!

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Debbie Waidl is the Owner of In The Balance Health Coaching LLC, and Founder of The Freedom From Migraines Method™   & The Migraine Freedom Protocol™ 
She supports busy moms living with Migraines. 

Debbie will uncover what is holding them back from migraine freedom so they can live their life pain and symptom free, work productively, spend the time they want with family and friends, and stop missing out on the things they enjoy.

A message from Debbie:
"I was once right where you are now.  100% believing there was NO WAY to end migraines and my only option was to learn how to live with them or find that magic pill that maybe would work for a while.  If anyone told me back then that I could end my pain once and for all, I would have called BS and popped another pill!

Skeptical times 10  was my middle name for sure because when you try it all and everyone tells you they can help you and they don’t.   You stop believing…  you lose HOPE!

I now realize I was approaching my migraines all backward.

I was trying to cover up symptoms versus trying to end my pain."

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